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Best Rurrenabaque tours to discover the Bolivian jungle

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Rurrenabaque is the gateway to the Bolivian Amazon. In this area, you will find the Madidi National Park, one of the most biodiverse and largest protected areas in the world.

Rurrenabaque tours are especially for those adventurous travellers who are looking for experiences that respect the fauna and flora and support sustainability. Why? Because Madidi National Park is home to thousands of species and also for some endangered species.

Visiting Rurrenabaque will allow you to enjoy them in their natural habitat while respecting their environment.

Something important! ⚠ There are no ATMs in Rurrenabaque, but you can change currency. So take cash with you.

How to get to Rurrenabaque

As with most trips, the quickest and most comfortable way to get to Rurrenabaque is by plane. The journey from La Paz takes 45 minutes and there are daily connections. Be aware of the rainy season, as if you travel during this time it is possible that your flights may be cancelled.

You can also get there by bus from La Paz, but the journey takes between 18 and 20 hours and the road may be cut off during the rainy season. However, if the weather is good, you'll enjoy the scenery.

Rainy season in Rurrenabaque

The climate in this part of the Amazon is warm and wet all year round, with an average annual temperature of 76ºF.

The rainy season in Rurrenabaque runs from December to March. During this time, the paths in Madidi National Park are very muddy and some can become flooded. There are also more mosquitoes than during the dry season. (Don't forget your mosquito repellent!).

The dry season is from July to October, and the experience may be more pleasant, but be aware that more travellers will think the same way.